Saturday, February 4, 2017

Fear is In


One of my predictions below has already manifested and in full bloom.  Fear is in.  Suddenly we need extreme measures to protect our self from destruction. There are enemies everywhere. Especially the Muslims. A goodly number of people in this country are firmly convinced that Muslims are the manifestation of evil on the earth. That their book teaches them that it's ok to kill in the name of Islam. That their goal is to destroy our culture by imposing Sharia law etc. That they want to kill us all and the only option is to destroy them first.  On the other side there are a notable number of people that think Americans are the manifestation of evil on earth. That Americas goal is to impose their will and destroy their culture. They see our religion as capitalism and imperialism and think its infecting the entire planet so to wipe it out is the only option. So basically all you need is to put a turban on the Americans or a baseball cap on the Muslims and they become everything they hate. They are both fighting the same thing in their own context. Many in this country insist that if Muslims aren't evil where are the moderates speaking out? They are, but if it isn't on the news you watch you won't know. Looking from both sides, if there are radicals preaching death and destruction in this country shouldn't people here also be speaking out? I don't think that it makes one weak or a poor American to push back on radicalism.

Are there things to fear? Certainly. As I said, there are a goodly number of Muslims that believe the above. The question is how to fight it. We are the big dog on the block so if we don't take the first step others will have no options. The first thing we need to do is realize that Islam is not our enemy. Most Muslims are not bent on destroying our way of life anymore than the idea that most Americans are bent on imperialism. There are many steps we can take to protect ourselves but responding to terror with fear is a losing plan.

The second thing to consider is the primary motivator of violence in the middle east. It's a Shia/Sunni battle. Do you know the difference in the two? Do you know around what percentage represent each group or what countries are one or the other? If we are facing a problem wouldn't it be good to understand it? Once you understand it do you think we as Christians are going to solve it? Would we be open to a solution to Christian problems between Protestants and Catholics by Muslims?

Thirdly, it's time to get a real understanding of the fear. While we have had attacks the terrorists would have to go some to keep up with what we face everyday in this country. We kill well over 10 thousand of each other every year, year after year, it's pretty much a guarantee. We seem to only be terrified of 'the other'.

So what is the answer? What do we need to do? I think once we get the big picture of what is going on that is a topic worthy of discussion. Without the big picture though you are spinning your wheels. The only thing I am full convinced of at this point is that a knee jerk reaction isn't going to cut it.

Finally, while it is rather lengthy(45 min), I strongly, strongly encourage you to take some time somewhere to watch the video above. It is a room full of actual Muslims talking about their faith. Getting it from the source is a good way to get realistic understanding.


Unknown said...

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Marshal Art said...

You're no prophet. As I've explained in the last thread, there is legitimate fear and nonsensical fears, such as that which you put forth with regard to Trump's presidency. As to that, I have fears of my own, but again, they're legitimate. His stance on trade provokes a legitimate fear, as tariffs and protectionism are damaging to the economy. But that's a topic for another time.

First I wish to say that I watched the video (unlike most leftists with whom I engage, I actually look at links and videos they post). The woman being interviewed expresses what is a view shared by most non-muslims with regard to their religion. The religion requires internal reforms. She acknowledges the unwillingness of so many within the faith to find fault that is apparent to all others. For her larger point, I would parallel it with one I've espoused...that the problem with American politics/government is Americans. The fix must come from those who claim a devotion to the principles that are the foundation. Like our nation, islam suffers from those who have a false understanding of what it is all about.

The difference, however, is that as the woman says, there are indeed teachings of the faith to which the terrorists can legitimately point that compels and justifies their violent behaviors. Conversely, too many in America (the left in particular, if not exclusively) pervert American Constitutional principles to justify theirs. A stronger adherence to actual Constitutional principles improves life in American for most, if not all people. A departure from such with regard to islam improves life for the world.

It is a fallacious argument to insist that "most" muslims want no part of the jihadist mentality and actions. That's debatable and a matter of degrees. And as one of the audience members suggests (rightly, I would say), to remove islam entirely wouldn't guarantee that terrorism would not exist. The concern is with those who do wish to perpetrate such crimes against humanity. No one on the right suggests that the entirety of the muslim population (and that includes nominal muslims, of course) are down with the cause, as it were. Thus, it is a moot point unworthy of further mention.

No. It's all about what to do with those who are violent and have expressed ill intent. It is in legitimate consideration for such people that calls to strengthen border security, vetting processes and considering alternative options with regard refugees are being discussed, planned and implemented. That's not "fear" as in an irrational state of being. That's logic based upon experience. That is an experience that goes back to the inception of islam. It's long overdue that we have a president that is willing to look at the issue clearly and objectively.

Thus, the actual "big picture" that needs to be discussed is how do we as a nation protect ourselves from the worst of that muslim population. After 1400 years of violent and despotic behavior by the most violent and despotic of their numbers, there's nothing "knee jerk" about recognizing the real threat they pose to peace and security world wide.

The woman in the video clearly gets it. You clearly don't.